Cyclodextrins: prospective nanocarriers for the delivery of antibacterial agents, against bacteria  that are resistant  to antibiotics

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A review with 303 references

Several different kinds of cyclodextrin nanocarriers (β-CD, HP-β-CD, Meth-β-CD, cationic CD, sugar-grafted CD) are utilized to enhance the solubility, stability, dissolution, absorption, bioavailability, and permeability of the antibiotics. Cyclodextrin also improves the effectiveness of antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides, metallic nanoparticles, and photodynamic therapy (PDT). Cyclodextrin nanocarriers offer slow-release properties for sustained-release formulations where steady-state plasma antibiotic concentration is needed for an extended time. A novel strategy to combat bacterial resistance is a stimulus (pH, ROS)-responsive antibiotics released from cyclodextrin carrier. Cyclodextrin traps autoinducer (AI), a crucial part of bacterial quorum sensing, and reduces virulence factors, including biofilm formation. Cyclodextrin helps to minimize MIC in particular bacterial strains, keep antibiotic concentrations above MIC in the infection site and minimize the possibility of antibiotic and biofilm resistance. Sessile bacteria trapped in biofilms are more resistant to antibiotic therapy than bacteria in a planktonic form. Cyclodextrin also involves also involves delivering antibiotics to biofilm and resistant bacteria to combat bacterial resistance.

Saha P, Rafe MR. Cyclodextrin: A prospective nanocarrier for the delivery of antibacterial agents against bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Heliyon. 2023; 9(9):e19287. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19287

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