Implementation of water-soluble cyclodextrin-based polymers in biomedical applications: how far are we?

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Cyclodextrin-based polymers can be prepared starting from the naturally occurring monomers following green and low-cost procedures. They can be selectively derivatized pre- or post-polymerization allowing to fine-tune functionalities of ad hoc customized polymers. Preparation nowadays has reached the 100 g scale thanks also to the interest of industries in these extremely versatile compounds. During the last 15 years these macromolecules have been the object of intense investigations in view of possible biomedical applications as the ultimate goal and large amounts of scientific data are now available. Compared to their monomeric models, already used in the formulation of various therapeutic agents, they display superior behavior in terms of their solubility in water and solubilizing power towards drugs incompatible with biological fluids. Moreover, they allow the combination of more than one type of therapeutic agent in the polymeric system. In this review it is provided a complete state-of-the-art on the knowledge and potentialities of cyclodextrin-based water-soluble polymers as therapeutic agents as well as carrier systems for different types of therapeutics to implement combination therapy. Finally, it is given a perspective on their assets for innovation in disease treatment as well as their limits that still need to be addressed.

Marco Agnes, Elisabetta Pancani, Milo Malanga, Eva Fenyvesi, Ilse Manet (2022) Implementation of Water-Soluble Cyclodextrin-Based Polymers in Biomedical Applications: How Far are we?
Macromolecular Bioscience First published: 22 April 2022

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