Cyclodextrin-Modified Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery

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In recent years, the use of CD derivatives in combination with nanomaterials has shown to be a promising strategy for formulating new, optimized systems. The goals of this review are to give in-depth knowledge and critical appraisal of the main CD-modified or CD-based nanomaterials for drug delivery, such as lipid-based nanocarriers, natural and synthetic polymeric nanocarriers, nanosponges, graphene derivatives, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, plasmonic and magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots and other miscellaneous systems such as nanovalves, metal-organic frameworks, Janus nanoparticles, and nanofibers. Special attention is given to nanosystems that achieve controlled drug release and increase their bioavailability during in vivo studies.

Among the CD derivatives HPB CD, used for greater solubility and improved entrapment properties, stood out, in addition to amino-CDs and sulfo-CDs, which allow the expansion of their functions through the binding of species, by simple reactions or being grafted onto other materials.

General classification of CD-modified nanomaterials applied to drug delivery composed of CDs and their derivatives,
drugs, polymers, and nanomaterials, considering the characteristics and composition.

Real, D.A.; Bolaños, K.; Priotti, J.; Yutronic, N.; Kogan, M.J.; Sierpe, R.; Donoso-González, O. Cyclodextrin-Modified Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery: Classification and Advances in Controlled Release and
Bioavailability. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13,

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